Frequently Asked Questions
Detailed below are some of the frequently asked questions we get. We hope they help to address some of the questions you might have. We would be delighted to go through any further questions with you so please ask to speak to the nursery manager.
What are the Staff to Children Ratios?
In accordance with OFSTED the ratios we operate to are:
0-2 years: 1:3
2-3 years: 1:4
3-5 years without Level 6 qualification: 1:8
3-5 years with suitable Level 6 qualification: 1:13
What sessions can I have?
You can have a minimum of 2 sessions per week which could be either a full day or 2 separate AM or PM sessions as an example.
Our session times are: 8am to 1pm /1pm to 6pm or 8am-3.30pm
Full days cover the period 7am to 6pm each day.
We also hold scheduled sessions, allowing you flexibility in the days your child attends the nursery.
(Earlier starts for the AM session and 8-3.30 session can be taken by arrangement with the manager and at an extra cost).
what are your fees and how do i pay them?
More details on our fees and services for are available directly when requesting a nursery brochure by calling or e-mailing the nursery manager direct as detailed in our contacts section.
Fees can be paid monthly in advance through standing order, cash, the tax free childcare account and childcare vouchers.
If you do have to pay cash then this must be given to the manager or deputy and a receipt will sent through the Famly App.
In line with the terms and conditions of the place you must pay fees if your child is absent from illness or holidays.
The nursery fee includes; full childcare, all activity and resources costs, breakfast on arrival (toast/cereal), a hot lunch, afternoon tea, mid morning and mid afternoon snack and fruit, milk, formula milk for babies, nappies, wipes, nappy cream (sudocream) and sun cream. Essentially it is all inclusive with no hidden costs.
Additional costs would be for optional external trips and outings and extracurricular classes such as Jo Jingles, Multi Sports, Dance and Football.
What does the fee include?
We will be as flexible as we can due to lateness but we ask that you ring us to let us know your situation and so we can understand how best to handle it with your child.
We do have robust polices in place in relation to alternative collection, and this could include a known (to us) friend, relative or the use of a pre agreed 'password' system for someone we haven't met.
What if I AM late or someone else has TO pick up my child for me?
We only ask that you provide your child with a change of clothes, which is useful for any events where they have an 'accident' or if their clothes were to get wet or dirty through messy play.
We suggest naming any items of clothing your child has, as there may be other children with similar/the same item, saving any confusion.
We ask you to provide weather appropriate outdoor clothing. i.e an outdoor coat/rain jacket/waterproof trousers , Wellington boots, woolly hat/gloves, sun hat. We ask that parent’s label their child’s personal belongings. Sun cream and nappy cream (sudocream) if you don’t want your child to use ours.
What do I need to provide my child with when they attend?
Yes. As part of the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework; 'personal social & emotional development', 'Understanding the World' and 'Communication & Language,' we try as much as possible to give the children the opportunity to explore a variety of activities and events both inside and outside the Nursery.
A few examples of the type of outings or visitors we have would include the Zoo, local Police and Fire Station, the library and park and the local care home.