Meal Times at Playtime
At Playtime we provide:
Breakfast, Mid Morning Snack, Hot lunch, Afternoon Snack, Tea and a Small Evening Snack. All meals are provided with a drink of water, with milk, oat milk and soya milk options available at snack times.
At Playtime, we plan meals and snacks to include a variety of food and drinks from each food group to provide children with the good balance of nutrients they need. Mealtimes at Playtime are a learning experience and children are encouraged to be independent. With many opportunities to pour their own drinks, cut their own food, and as they reach the preschool room, serve their own snacks.
The menu revolves on a two weekly cycle and has been put together with the aims of the DoE & Children's Food Trust 'Eat Better, Start Better' campaign. Early years settings provide an ideal opportunity to help every child eat well, enjoy a varied diet and establish healthy eating habits to take with them into their school years. A healthy balanced diet for children provides a range of essential nutrients that children need to grow and develop.
View our Menus Below:
(Vegetarian and all other cultural, allergy, and dietary needs can be catered for)
Summer Menu
Winter Menu